• Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Who Benefits From Lottery Revenue?


Sep 8, 2023


Lottery is the distribution of prizes or rights, often with a random process. It is used to allocate many types of things including kindergarten admissions at a reputable school, the right to occupy units in a subsidized housing block or even a vaccine for a fast-moving virus. While the practice of lottery-like contests can make things seem fairer and more accessible, it also comes with hidden costs.

In the United States, Americans spent over $73 billion on tickets in 2015 alone. That’s a lot of money that has gone from the pockets of everyday citizens to a private company or government coffers. But who really benefits from this revenue?

Most of the prize money from a lottery goes to winners, but some is used for operating expenses and overhead. Retailers get a commission for each ticket sold and may receive bonuses when they sell jackpot-winning tickets. A small percentage is also allocated to addressing gambling addictions and to support the general state budget.

Some argue that the state’s use of a lottery is a good alternative to raising taxes, especially for programs like education and health care, which have been hit hard by the federal debt crisis. Others say that state governments should not rely too heavily on unpredictable gambling revenues and that the lottery exploits poor people. The truth is likely somewhere in between.