A casino is an establishment for certain types of gambling. It is often built near or combined with hotels, restaurants and resorts. Many casinos also have live entertainment and other attractions.
In the United States, there are more than 1,000 casinos, and the industry generates over $39 billion a year. Most of these are located in Las Vegas, although there are significant numbers in Atlantic City and Chicago. Casinos are also located in several Native American communities, and a growing number are being opened in other states that have legalized gambling.
Something about the nature of gambling encourages people to cheat and steal, whether in collusion or on their own, so casinos spend a great deal of time and money on security measures. In addition to cameras, they have guards stationed throughout the casino, and their employees are trained to spot suspicious patrons.
While some casinos were originally financed by legitimate businessmen, the mafia was soon a major source of funds, especially in Nevada, where gambling was still illegal in other states. Mob figures lent money to casinos, took part ownership and sometimes even controlled the management of some. In some cases they tried to influence the outcomes of casino games through threats or intimidation of personnel. Today, mobsters have largely moved out of the casino business, and most casinos are owned by legitimate companies. However, some still have ties to organized crime. Compulsive gambling is a problem that affects not only the person who is addicted but also their family and the community at large.